A complex world demands …

#1. Complex Thinking 

It comprises two parts:

  • Understanding the gap between our default ways of thinking about the world (including other people and ourselves) and how it actually works.
  • Then closing the gap with more sophisticated mental strategies.

One simple example is our default way of thinking about causal relationships, which looks like this:

But causality actually works more like this:


#2. Complex Leadership

The need for high quality conversation that dissects complexity is more pressing than ever. But deep, productive discussion is not self-generating. So today’s leader must be a strong facilitator of dialogue: a Chief Conversation Facilitator.

Leader as Chief Conversation Facilitator is able to:

  • Leverage cognitive diversity, and
  • Avoid the discussion traps that teams are vulnerable to.

For example, complex leaders are always on the lookout for the “wicked three”: group polarization, group think, and path dependence.

Complex leadership uses tools to foster constructive dissent in order to deepen and synthesizes different perspectives and tackle complex problems in non-superficial ways.


LEARN MORE in Ted’s book Closing the Mind Gap

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